“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:18, 21
Bridges are so perfect. They keep us from being contained in whatever place we find ourselves. They can be built by anyone, but we alone have to trust them to cross them. And we always find a different perspective after crossing one. It's important to have an open mind regarding bridges and their opportunities. Holidays are a great time to build or cross bridges. It's so easy to sit back and hold hurt feelings or to anticipate unrest in family gatherings, but it's still each person's own choice on what to do about it.
We are not responsible for other people's choices/words/body language/views, but we certainly are for our own. When those family gatherings are in full swing, it's soooo good to take little steps across your bridge by asking yourself, am I being kind...as in 'nice and courteous' kind? Am I being compassionate...as in trying to see things from their perspective and/or displaying empathy? Am I willing to be truly forgiving? Because the bottom line is, holding hurt is not helpful to me; and regardless of his or her choices, I am still responsible for anything me.
And lastly, am I being mature...as in, am I truly acting like the best example of maturity that I have seen displayed by people I respect? In 10 years-what really will my action/reaction have influenced? And is it helpful or hurtful? Will I have been brave enough to seek a different perspective? Or will I still be on my island?
Our kids will grow up and wonder what happened...like, why grandma and grandpa weren't in the family picture that year; why we didn't go to a celebration that they see pics of in another relatives photo books; why we (Facebook proof) played favorites with our parents and not maturely thought about our child's other set of willing loving grandparents; or why we ask these smart kids of ours to work things out but then they wonder why we didn't work things out ourselves.
Be a bridge builder. Be the example you wish others were. Be humble and willing to grow maturely. Choose to be the joy you feel when you were strong and mature enough to step away from your island in faith. I may be wrong, but bridges don't naturally disappoint.